Essay About U.S. Health Care

The U.S. health care system is among the most expensive in the world. While other countries have adopted the universal health care system the United States has yet to consolidate a strategy that signifies the health care reforms that come from the comparisons by what method other countries are spending on health care, as well as the features that accompanying the public health system. I’m not saying the United States isn't attempting to improve the health care enterprise into a fully functioning system, and however the effort that's moving toward achieving better health care outcomes could involve more energy.
One characteristic that defines the U.S. health care system is the tension between “the free market” and “government control”. One more defining characteristic of the U.S. health care system includes the “dysfunctional financing and payment system” (Kovner, Knickman, & Jonas, 2011, p. 05). The American culture is molded by this tension that stands between Americans and the government. I can only ask, is it really the governments fault for these issues? Instead, maybe the blame should be on the insurance and pharmaceutical companies? Since the government only plays a limited part in the health care arrangement, this provides insurance companies with the power to increase its total expenditures year after year. Most hospitals in the U.S. are part of non-profit organizations.  
Germany is a tad like the United States, except for the health care that’s provided to its citizens. Germany stands in third for being the richest economy in the world, and uses the social insurance model also known as the Bismarck model. How the model operates begins with the involvement of every employee and employer in which citizens are mandated to contribute to the social insurance system proportionate to their income. The commensurate with each citizen’s salary involves funds, which were designed to collect and redistribute contributions according to government regulations to...