Early and Middle Adulthood

Early and Middle Adulthood
PSY 280

Early and Middle Adulthood
Many changes are expected from early adulthood to middle adulthood; some conditions hinder these behavioral and psychological changes. During these stages many areas of development can be observed. These areas include social and intimate relationship changes, various role changes, and health impacts brought upon by unhealthy habits.
During early adulthood relationships there is an emphasis on friendships and romance; this period is defined by the ages of 20 through 35 (The Psychology Career Center, 2013). During this period of early adult hood “closeness or intimacy” in the spectrum of relationship development, is dependent on their personality; furthermore these relationships can have an impact on their personality development (Neyer & Asendorpf, 2001). Friendships either old or new are an important aspect coming in to early adulthood; these friendships support many psychosocial aspects of the emerging adult (Berger, 2010). During this period usually men and women choose friendships based on their own sex and enjoy their time performing activities specific to their sex group (Berger, 2010).
When it comes to the romantic relational aspect, this period signifies a higher commitment to intimate relationships and consideration of child bearing (The Psychology Career Center, 2013). Of course these aspects can be different depending on the influence of culture and sex group (Berger, 2010). One can also observe at this stage of early adulthood love or romantic behavior appears to be more passionate; an intense physiological reaction mixed with feelings of euphoria are experienced (Berger, 2010). Another common observance is the lack of emotional commitment some men show during early adulthood; they rather have physical intimacy without commitment to their partners. Young women on the other hand at this stage already feel that commitment is an important aspect that comes with physical intimacy....