Dse141 Tma01

Part one

Write a short piece summarising and interpreting the information presented in the table by Bandura, A., Ross, D. And Ross, S. (1963) ‘Imitation of film-mediated aggressive models’. Journal of Abnormal and Social Pschology, vol. 66, no.1, pp.3-11.

This table provides us with information on an experiment conducted featuring 96 children aged between 3 and 6 years of age split in to four groups using three conditions:

Live Model- male and female
Filmed Model
Control (no model)

The findings were then recorded and separated in to variants such as gender and imitative and non-imitative behaviour:

Girls reacted more violently than boys only after witnessing the female model (19.2 compared to 18.4)
The female model provided the closest numbers between boys and girls in imitative behaviour
The biggest difference between the sexes was with imitative behaviour after witnessing the male model (girls- 9.2 compared to boys- 38.4)
Imitative aggression by boys was more than double that of girls (girls- 128.6 compared to 203.10)
The control group showed very low imitative behaviour from both sexes
Non- imitative aggression was higher by boys in the control group than it was after witnessing the female model and the filmed male model.

These findings indicate that:
Boys are more prone to aggressive behaviour than girls even without witnessing it directly
Girls were more influenced by the female model than the male model
Children are more likely to show aggressive behaviour after witnessing it

[Word count- 212]
Part two

Understanding childrens behaviour via research by Bandura, Ross and Ross on social learning and aggression


In Stanford University, California in 1963, Bandura and his colleagues conducted an experiment to investigate if children’s aggression levels could be influenced by the media.
In this handout, we will be exploring the findings of this experiment, why this is relevant as well as...