
Nowadays, divorce is more likely a fashion in many married people. They get so many problems and think they should divorce. With some couples, divorce is the best way to help them to escape from the other, but it still has some bad effects after divorce such as economical problem, behavioral problem, and psychological problem.

First of all, divorce is almost always stressful for children. Most children have a hard time during the divorce transition. How long the transition lasts depends upon on how calm or how disorders you and your ex make it.
Divorce affects children adversely in many ways. Children of divorce have more difficulty in school, more behavior problems. They often have low self esteem and think they are worthless and bad. With adults, they feel free because they think they will be freedom and no one control their lives anymore

Not only that, they are more problems with peers and more trouble getting along with their parents.

creates a huge impact into children life,

almost always stressful for children. Most children do not want their parents to separate (unless the marriage was full of intense conflict and anger or other sources of misery not suitable for children). Divorce also can strain parent-child relationships, lead to lost contact with one parent, create economic hardships, and increase conflict between parents (including legal conflicts — for a way to avoid these see Emery's Divorce Mediation Study). For all these reasons, most children have a hard time during the divorce transition. How long the transition lasts depends upon on how calm or how chaotic you and your ex make it. Parents who do a good job managing the stresses of divorce for children often are surprised by how quickly their kids make the adjustment.