Diversity & Cross Cultural


Assessment submission dates 3000 word academic essay Discuss and evaluate the key dimensions of national culture in a country other than your own domicile, making reference where possible to an organisation located in that country. One of the two frameworks (models) below may be used:


values/ shared meanings; political system; religion/ philosophical beliefs; economic prosperity; language; and education system (French, 2007)



power distance; uncertainty avoidance; individualism/ collectivism; masculinity/ femininity; long term orientation (Hofsted, 2001).

Note: please adopt an academic, 3rd person style and observe the Harvard referencing system in the essay itself and in the list of references at the end of your essay. Try to include some aspects of layers of organisational cultures and perspectives on equality in the main body of your essay. You may use the references given in the module teaching. Also, you are expected to source at least 2/3 relevant journal or professional articles yourself. At least 6 sources, that is textbooks and academic or professional journal articles, are expected in your reference section. Authoritative websites can also be used. Examples of introduction section of essays Assessment According to Brewster et al. (2007; p14), ‘there are estimated to be over 200 different definitions’ of culture. Hofstede’s (2001) dimensions of national culture are recognised as one of the most widely known ways of defining national culture (Edwards and Rees, 2006). His dimensions are: power distance; uncertainty avoidance; individualism/ collectivism; masculinity/ femininity; long term orientation (Hofsted, 2001). This essay aims to discuss and evaluate the key dimensions of national culture in China [insert the country of your choice here, not your own country] in Hofsted’s terms. In the discussion, the limitations of Hofstede’s dimensions are included. Also, the discussion includes the...