Disruptive Behaviour

Disruptive behaviour is one the continuous issue faced by teachers and parents throughout generations. It is defined as any behaviour that was not included in the one task activity, and is not related to their educational demands whether verbal or otherwise. This research seeks to highlight further what is disruptive behaviour, the types of disruptive behaviour, its effects and how to handle disruptive behaviours. Furthermore the research will be shedding light on a particular behaviour that we is mostly affecting Jamaican schools. A summary of the issue will be provided and accompanied by relevant sources. Recommendations will be made on how to deal with this problem of disruptive behaviour and emotional illiteracy. Finally the research will end with a conclusion.

I use this medium firstly to show my appreciation to God for giving me the strength and providing the resources need to complete this research. A warm thank you goes to our lecture Mrs. Goldbourne for giving this task to us, where we can discovery information on our own and giving us the opportunity to reflect what we have already learned.   I want to thank my family, friends and associates for all their support and input in compiling this piece. Your help is appreciated.

Table of Contents
Summary of the issue…………………………………..5
What is disruptive behaviour?.......................................5
Types of disruptive behaviours……………………....5-6
          Causes of disruptive behaviour………………………..6-7
          Effects of disruptive behaviour………………………..7-8
          Dealing with disruptive behaviour….………………...8-10
          What is emotional illiteracy?..........................................10-11

Summary of the issue
Dr. Sandra Richards, a senior programme officer in the discipline of graduate studies and research at the University of the West Indies...