Democracy and Its Critics

Subject: Theory of Politics Professor: Monika Wichlacz Student: Nikoloz Antelava

Democracy and its Critics

Wroclaw,Poland 1.02.2015

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. Abraham Lincoln

What is democracy? Is there any universal definition that could answer on our question and fulfill our interest? Though there is a universally accepted response, that this is the form of government when people rule, the concept of democracy is one of the most difficult to define, abstract and equivocal nature of this term makes it hard to form an universal formula. Nowadays it is almost undoubtable that people who rule or willing to rule, despite of their ideologies, underline their commitment to democratic ideas. Every single person talks and argues about democracy, it seems that everyone understands its pure meaning, but is that so? “When a term means anything to anyone it is in danger of becoming entirely meaningless”.1 In most of cases democracy is considered to be as an efficient and reliable way to choose government with fair elections. Citizens are free to choose who will run country. Everyone has freedom of choice. But it is not rare that electors have not a lot of options, so what happens then? In this essay I am going to review chrestomathy of democratic theories. We will discuss classical theory of democracy and concept of liberal democracy and will provide critics for them. Discuss how different philosophers and scholars define democracy. Does democracy really expresses the interest of people? Why it is so widely valued and is it overrated or not?

Evolution of Democracy
Direct and indirect Democracies


Andrew Heywood, Political Theory, 3rd edition

The classical conception of democracy takes its roots in Ancient Greece. Democracy is derived from Greek word “Kratos” which means power or rule. And “demos” means people or many. So literally Democracy means rule of people or rule of...