Defining Marketing

Defining Marketing
My personal definition of marketing is that it is a form of advertising. The people who want their product introduced to the world first need to do some research on who may be interested in their product and where the product might sell. Once research has been accomplished, and they know if the product is marketable, all the formalities are done, and the product can be put on the market. Products are displayed or announced in various ways, so consumers can see them or hear about them. I believe that the right kind of marketing can sell a product, especially if it is marketed in the right area.
A definition of marketing from Credoreference (2008) states: “In economics, that part of the process of production and exchange that is concerned with the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer.” For an organization, marketing does not only mean goods flowing from the producer to the customer, or the buyers, sellers, wholesalers, and retailers, but other activities are involved such as financing, insuring, and promoting. Products have to be warehoused, distributed, processed, and transferred. These activities are equally important as the manufacturers of goods, and cost. Organizations need to have all of these activities in their plan if they intend to sell and make profits.
Perreault, Cannon, and McCarthy (2009) definition states that marketing is “Activities that seek to accomplish an organization’s objective by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client.”   Meeting client’s needs is the purpose for most businesses, but the product has to meet the needs of the customer in order for the business to profit. Properly marketing products can persuade customers to buying them. Pricing products at a level that satisfies to the customer ensures sells and targeting that product in areas where it is needed practically guarantees sells and...