Daily Care of Client with Mrsa

Care Skills: D20163 Daily Care of a Client with MRSA

MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is usually a non pathogenic bacterium that resides on the skin, in the nose or throat of about one third of the population. http://www.oxfordradcliffe.nhs.uk/forpatients/infection_control/mrsa.aspxIt only becomes pathogenic when it gains access to deep tissues, usually via broken skin, the blood steam, the lungs or the urinary tract. Most people carry the bacterium harmlessly, this is called colonisation. MRSA is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or through contact with items contaminated by infected sites.

There are many factors to take into consideration when caring for a client who has MRSA ,such as risk of exposure to you, other patients, and trying to minimise the spread of infection, as outline in the HSG65 model. Under common law it is important for emplorers to provide
• A safe place of work
• Safe plant and epuipment
• A safe system of work
• Safe and competent employees
Good infection control practises must be used for all clients, not just those known to have MRSA.

One of the most important things in infection control is proper hand hygiene. Hands should be washed in accordance to the guidelines set out by SARI. Using proper hand wash\anti bacterial gel, and following the 5 steps for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Indications to wash hands are as follows:
• When hands are visibly contaminated with dirt, soil or organic material.
• Before and after each client contact.
• After moving from a contaminated to a clean area.
• Before putting on and after removing gloves.
• After personal bodily functions, such as blowing nose or using the toilet.
• After handling soiled equipment, materials or environment.
• Before preparing or handling food.

The first thing you should do before coming into contact or entering a room of a client who has MRSA is put on a plastic apron and to remember to double glove....