Cyp3.4 Outcome 1

CYP3.4 – Support Children & Young People’s Health and Safety

Outcome 1: Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety.

1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services.
I would make sure that the children’s age, needs and abilities are taken into account. These could be specific to one person, e.g. Sensory impairments (hearing and vision), or specific to the group as a whole. If a disabled child was attending, then their individual needs would also need to be taken into account, this could be extra space required for accessibility, or extra lighting if visually impaired. We all have a duty of care, and I would make sure that all children, carers and others were made aware of the fire evacuation procedures if they were not familiar with the surroundings. Any physical hazards would need to be removed to eliminate potential risks. For example, electrical leads, and that fire exits are kept clear at all times. I would also make sure that any equipment that was going to be used was in safe and good working order before the activity proceeded. I would make sure that the space being used was large enough to hold the number of children, and also make sure that sufficient lighting was provided. I would also make sure that the area was not too noisy or too dark, as this could also have a health effect on the children. The space and height of the tables/activity area would need to be checked to ensure that it was suitable for the activity being carried out. If the activity was to take place outside, I would make sure that the security of the area was sufficient e.g. outdoor garden gate locked and no gaps in fencing for children to get through. I would also check to make sure that there was not any debris, e.g. litter, glass, animal mess, if there was, I would make sure that it was cleared away appropriately. I would...