Reasons for the Outcome in Greco-Persian Wars

The Persian Wars were a string of differences between Greek city-states and the Persian Empire. The Greek success in both the first and second invasion, during 490 BC and in 480-479 BC, was not the result of one aspect, but rather a mix of contributing factors such as unity, leadership, strategy, weapons and the superiority of the Greek soldier. Each aspect played a strong and definitive role in the various battles to ensure the victory that Greece attained. Herodotus proves to be our main source of information for the battle, however his account is not seen as altogether reliable as he writes approximately 30 years after the events and his key informants would have been only young soldiers with incomplete knowledge of the subject.
The ability for the Greeks to unite against a common enemy was pivotal. The first instance of unity occurred in 481 BC at the Congress of Isthmus, where it was decided Sparta would be given command of the army and navy (Serpent Column). Herodotus also states that, “….the first thing to be done was to patch up any quarrels….going on amongst the confederacy”.   Prior to this there was great quarrelling between the Greek city states, such as between Athens and Aegina. Herodotus states that one occasion where Aegina’s actions “stirred the Athenian’s to immediate action, and they prepared to use every resource they had against Aegina.” Therefore, while unity was a notion unheard of to the Greeks it was vital for their victory. It must be said that the common cause, driven by the desire of all Greeks to preserve the political autonomy of the Greek poleis, was what held the fragile alliance together. The Serpent Column reveals a total of 31 Greek nations involved in the alliance such as Athens, Sparta, Corinth and Troezen.
The Greeks could unite easily in contrast with the Persians. Speaking the same language gave the Greeks an obvious advantage in contrast to the Persians who, coming from various factions, spoke a multitude of languages...