Cyp 3.1

CYP3.1 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years.
Birth to One Year with in the first four weeks a baby will turn its head towards the light and will react to loud sounds, quietens when picked up or will cry to indicate needs. A baby will also enjoy cuddles and feeding. By six months a baby can turn from side to back, lift its head and chest from a flat position if supported by the forearms, grasp your fingers, will smile in response to an adult and shows enjoyment at certain routines. They will also be making noises such as gurgling and cooing and will often move its head around to follow people or objects. In the last six months or their first year a baby will have good head control, can roll back to front, move toys from one hand to another, sit without support for a long periods, begins to understand words such as up and down, begins to crawl and can manage to clasp a spoon or feed its self with their fingers. The baby can also follow simple instructions like kiss and can imitate actions, sounds, gestures and moods, they enjoy songs and action songs peek a boo and looking at their self in mirrors They can also hold and drink from a cup with help and their first teeth may also appear.
One to Two Years a baby will start to walk alone and can get to standing without help. They can build bricks and arrange toys on the floor or point at desired objects and may start to show a preference of which will be the prominent hand. They will try to join in with simple songs and use gestures and actions and will also start to use more words like doggie, me do, biscuit or their own name. The child will be able to carry out simple instruction like “get the cup” and can make marks on paper by holing crayons or pencils.
Two to Three Years a child can run safely, kick a ball, and manage the stirs two feet to a step. They can turn pages of books one at a time, draw circles and lines using their preferred hands and will be able to...