Content and Organization, Using Measurement Scales

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Content and Organization, Using Measurement Scales

Content and Organization, Using Measurement Scales
In conducting Marketing Research there are many concepts for creating a successful marketing or advertising campaign. Many of these concepts deal with measurement and scaling. In fact, there are 6 different property types of Measurement Scales, which include: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio, uni-dimensional, and multi-dimensional.
Interval Scale
An interval scale predicts that the measurements are made in equal parts. “This means that differences can be compared. The difference between 1 and 2 is the same as between 2 and 3, but is only half the difference between 2 and 4,” (Aaker, Kumar, and Day, 2007). However, an interval scale will never have a true zero represented. Most can compare or give a good example as a Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scale. The temperature of “zero” does not mean that there is not a temperature, but that it is just an arbitrary zero point. I would use this Interval Scale in a questionnaire in the scenario of comparing 2 items that are exactly the same amount or equal distance apart. I might ask a surveyor to rate their satisfaction on a 10 point scale, from satisfied to dissatisfied.
Nominal Scale
The Nominal scale is the lowest form of measurement level one can utilize. This, of course, is from a statistical point of view. A nominal scale basically very simply places data into different categories and they are ordered to have no structure. In the cosmetology industry we can think of a nominal scale being a color wheel scale. There is no specific order, but there is an underlying spectrum. Using a nominal scale in a questionnaire would be classifying something in terms of their level of measurement. I might measure a person’s occupational class: 1 = Lawyer, 2 = Professor, and 3 = Admissions Leader, when conducting a nominal questionnaire. The number...