Community Profile

This community profile concerns the health improvement issue of smoking in Middlesbrough. It will explore the services available to community members, enabling them to tackle this addiction. It will also identify the role of the nurse within this health improvement area, and how this facilitates the promotion of health and wellbeing across the age continuum.
The purpose of a community profile is to identify a public health issue in a specific geographical community. This geographical issue is then compared and contrasted against the national average; therefore key factors/trends can be identified to gain an understanding and reasoning as to why there is such a problem.
I have chosen smoking in Middlesbrough as the health improvement issue for this community profile, as it has the highest mortality rate due to the effects of smoking which is causing huge financial impacts on the NHS. It is important to identify what is being done to improve this and how this affects Middlesbrough. In order to detect the reasons to why smoking is such a massive health problem in Middlesbrough, we need to know the characteristics of this community and whether there are connections found later on within the profile.
Middlesbrough is situated in the North East of England and is one of five authorities that make up the Tees Valley area.   Out of the five it is the furthermost populated and urbanised community, especially towards the city centre.   This is owing to the 19th Century when Middlesbrough was renowned for ship building and heavy engineering.   In the 20th Century when this industry had declined and as an impact left deprivation in its path within key economic areas which will be shown below. However Middlesbrough is making positive changes to overcome these key challenges. (Middlesbrough Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2023)
There are approximately 139,000 residents in the Middlesbrough community, the city has...