Communication Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults

Unit No:TDA 3.1 Unit Ref:F/601/3327
Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults
In order to develop positive professional relationships with both colleagues and clients it essential to have effective communication skills, it is also important to identify barriers to communication in order develop strategies to ensure that the quality of our communication meets the expectations of colleagues and clients alike. (1.1)
In considering how well we communicate we must consider what communication actually is.   The most obvious form of communicating is talking but one of the most essential arrears of communicating effecting is listening.   When assessing how well we listen to one another we have to firstly recognise that there is a difference between hearing and listening, we are constantly hearing and if we listened to everything we heard it would be impossible for us to perform professionally or interact socially, we have to filter what is important and what is not, we should also be aware of the language we use when speaking and consider: Is it appropriate?   Have we started speaking whilst the other person is still speaking?   Are we using clear and concise words? If working with a child, young person or adult with special needs are we speaking at their own ability level, if the child young person or adult has a literal understanding have we made ourselves understandable to them?   We should also be aware that most communication is non-verbal and we can often forget that some people do not recognise non-verbal cues. (2.1) (2.2)
When working or dealing with children, young people and adults it is important to build a relationship of mutual respect and trust, effective communication greatly assists us developing a rapport with the child or young person which in turn will promote a positive relationship that will encourage them to feel confident and secure.   (1.2)
By developing a positive relationship the professional will have...