Communication, Eg Verbal/Non-Verbal and Possible Barriers

Unit 2 Planning and Enabling Learning
1d Instructions for Candidates
Communication, eg verbal/non-verbal and possible barriers.

Communication is a process by which you convey your message to others.   It can be verbal or non – verbal means moreover both at the same time.

Barriers to communication include:
  1. Physical: whereby the environment in which learning takes place may be too noisy/hot/cold/stuffy/cramped/dirty and run-down/lacking in adequate resources.
  2. Language: needs to be known by both sender and receiver.   Words and terminology need to be understood by both.   Signing, lip-reading, Braille, amanuensis and translators may need to be deployed.
  3. Emotions and stress play a part in interfering with effective communication as it is not easy to learn if you are feeling hostile angry or fearful.
  4. Lack of subject knowledge often leads misunderstandings if the sender is not able to convey his/her message clearly or indeed, if he/she has not planned and prepared for the session appropriately.

There must be effective and active listening as well as successful communication and phrasing to clarify meaning by asking non – threatening questions to include learners, will allow the teachers to monitor the effectiveness of their communications and is an important tool in assessing understanding throughout the session and at the end.

Differing backings can be addressed by considering equality and diversity legislation and differentiation techniques.   Age, education, gender, social status, cultural backgrounds, health, religion, political belief, race and mood defines one person from another.   Research has shown that barriers associated by any of the above can be addressed by an understanding of the background of others and of perceptions and by being respectful of those differences.   Equality and Diversity training can be given to the staff members to reduce these barriers and to challenge peoples values and beliefs.

Non – verbal...