
My Color
The human eye can detect 10 million colors. If a human can detect that many colors, the outcome of this should result in a vast array of emotions and connections to certain colors. Some people may attach themselves to a color to portray a certain emotion, or to add color to the world that could be so gray to them, or even pick a certain color that makes them who they are. Without color, our lives would be meaningless, and nobody could express their feelings.
The colors of our world allow us to reveal the true meaning of our lives, our aura would not have the same effects and our outfits would leave us with the feeling of absence. With color present throughout our lives, our plain and soulless furniture gains meaning, the blue sky gives us something to look up to; sunny and calm. Showers of fireworks entertain our lives with shapes and colors exploding into lifeless form, even the simple, but most extravagant color of eyes allow us to see into the depths of the souls that lie behind them,   which all becomes worth living for by being embellished with colors. Every color reveals a story. Not only does each color disclose a story, but without color, there would be lost emotion. Warm colors such as reds, oranges, and yellows are said to induce excitement, cheerfulness, stimulation, and aggression; blues and greens to induce security, calm, and peace; and browns, grays, and blacks to bring sadness, depression, and melancholy. However, we can only generalize about such subjective perceptions. On days were it seems to be lurid, I take a look at my closet, which is essentially a reflection of my chirpy persona, I revel in my need for joyous color and expression and plunge into the pink section of my color coded assortment, and match all the pink I possibly can. I strive to lighten the mood with pink; it is my proclivity that makes me anticipate changing my day with the vibrant, simple, but flashy color.
Color may not only be useful to emphasize emotions, but...