Cmi L5 Diploma Unit 5005

Management Report (5006)

Change Management Project – Creating a paperless faculty

Name – Faculty of Technology, Springfield College

Contents         Page

Executive summary 2

Introduction 3


1. Identification and justification of a management project 4 – 6

1.1 Determining a management area for investigation and its related work

1.2 Aim, scope and objective of the project

1.3 Justifying the aim and objective of the project

2. Research and analysis of data and options 6 – 10

2.1 Sources of data and information for the project

2.2 Data and information analysis of options/alternatives to meet the

      project aim

2.3 Options and/or alternatives that meet the project aim

3. Conclusions and recommendations that achieve the project aim 10 – 12

3.1 Evaluation of research to make conclusions

3.2 Recommendations of courses of action to meet the project aim

3.3 Assessment of impact of the project recommendations

4. Presentation and review of project results   12 – 14

4.1 Chosen medium to be used to show project results

4.2 Project results

4.3 Impact of the project on the work-related area

Discussion 14 – 16

References & Bibliography 17

Appendices 18 – 28
Executive summary

A 10% reduction in printing, copying and faxing across the organisation through minor changes in facilitating existing IT systems, could save a minimum of $25,000 per annum. A pilot project suggests that 75% reductions are possible in the short term, whilst improving working processes in teaching and learning. This could result in savings of up to $200,000 per annum at minimum expenditure.


This project report outlines a work-based project at Springfield College, Faculty of Technology, and includes key factors for the project, an overview, a business rationale, an implementation strategy, and a review of the project itself,...