Chinese Culture

Chinese Culture
According to the 2010 census, the Chinese American population was approximately 3.8 million people. Most live on the east and west coasts. Their religious practices include four major traditional religions/philosophies; Confucianism, Buddism, Taoism, and ancestor worship. In addition, many Chinese Americans practice Christianity. Confucianism has played a big part in developing Chinese character and behavior. The number one focus is achieving harmony, the most important social value. Family comes first and foremost, before the individual. Buddism teaches “face” or dignity. If an individual does wrongdoing it causes the family to lose face.
The Chinese may not complain of pain, so nurses should pay attention to non-verbal clues. They believe being stoic is expected, and may not want to “bother” the nurse to ask for pain medication. The nurse should offer the medication instead of waiting for them to ask for it. They believe a lot of their ailments are caused by too much yin such as dyspnea, nausea and vomiting, and fatigue. They believe constipation and diarrhea is caused by too much yang.
Depression is somewhat common among new immigrants because of financial pressures and the challenge of learning a whole new world, language, and culture. Chinese view any mental health problem as shameful and do not readily discuss it.
The family plays a big role when someone is sick. The sick person generally takes a passive role and the family usually makes the decisions regarding their treatment. They will usually get prenatal care and take childbirth classes when pregnant. Pregnancy is a cold condition so yin foods should be avoided. Eating watermelon during pregnancy will cause baby to have asthma. They prefer vaginal births but will have a cesarean if needed. Normally the males will not enter the delivery room. Breastfeeding is usually preferred.
For childrearing, Chinese prefer a male child. Most of the children put up for adoption are girls....