Business Analysis

Investing in Apple:   A Business Analysis
While strengths and opportunities are two important parts to a SWOT analysis, it is the weaknesses and threats that will determine whether to invest in a company. Chris Mallon, editor and publisher of the Undervalued Weekly states in that you should “Focus on the weaknesses and the threats, because that's what will turn around and bite you after you make your investment. I'm not saying you should look only for the negatives, and ignore the company's potential. But you should analyze the risks with as much, or more, scrutiny than the opportunities. Opportunities don't always show up, but somehow risks always do.”   The decision to invest in Apple, Inc. took into consideration all aspects of the SWOT analysis, with specific concentration on the weaknesses and threats.   An investor must feel confident that Apple, Inc. can continue its success, and assure shareholders it will resolve all current and potential issues.
This business analysis will provide a clear understanding of the deciding factors to invest in Apple, Inc. as well as point out the effects of current events that may disrupt a shareholder’s relationship with the company.

SWOT Analysis
Apple is a successful company and may be one of the best to invest in.   According to the NasdaqGS historical data, since September 7, 1984, its stock has gone from $26.50 a share to $373.72 at the close of August 25, 2011.   It continues to provide superior products and works hard at developing its management team.   Its brand is incomparable, having one of the most loyal and satisfied customer bases in the world.   ”The obvious side to Apple's customer satisfaction lies in their attention to detail in every facet of product development. All their products are designed, at every stage, with the customer clearly in mind and each product is tailored to make it as easy to use as possible for the customer, regardless of how technically savvy or not they may be”...