Bullying Report Is

Foundations of Human Development in the Social Environment
Obbie Brown
University of Phoenix
Human Systems and Development BSHS/325
October 29, 201
Joycelyn Bennett    

During childhood and adolescents, social skills are being developed and sharpened. One factor that may have mental and physical consequences in development is bullying. The acts of bullying create fear and limits the abilities of their victims to have in building confidence or finding their personalities. Individuals that are targeted by bullying can be affected in ways that may lower their self esteem.
Bullying is an issue to study in human development because it is a growing issue that affects people in a negative way. Bullying has been overlooked in the past as a way or stage of life a person may go through. The victim can have mental or physical problems that may stick with them for a long time. The individual that is considered the bully may have problems that may need to be handled on a professional level in the future. Bullying is determined by meeting three elements. The first element is that the bully actions intend to harm the victim. The second element is the bully’s actions are repetitive. The last element shows a power differential between the victim and the bully (Jacobsen & Bauman, 2007).
The components of bullying are physical, verbal, and relational. Pushing, fighting, hitting, kicking, and other acts of violence to a person are examples of physical bullying. Teasing and name calling are examples of verbal bullying. Relational bullying is a form of indirect bullying. Gossiping and spreading rumors are examples of relational bullying. Another form of relational bullying is when a group of peers purposely leave an individual out of its group.   Jacobsen & Bauman (2007) research states that many teachers and counselors do not interfere with...