Blood Red

Blood Red

It was a dark and cloudy October night.   The wind roared through the trees and the rain fell hard on the ground below. There was a rustling of leaves in the distance. Suggesting a stranger’s arrival. A fall shadow appeared, carrying a small lifeless body. The black figure laid down the limp body in the amber, red and yellow leaves. Taking out a dirty old mud covered shovel, the figure started to dig a hole, lowering the body in and covering up with freshly dug earth.

The forest had been uprooted down and a housing estate had been built there. No one knew what was underneath one of the houses, what it was or who it was. Children played in the streets on their bikes, screaming and laughing. A loud voice screamed “Get out of my way!” A black car had driven onto the Estate, its windows tinted black.   The voice was harsh and loud, scaring the children. When the car pulled into a drive way a young woman stepped out and looked around at her surroundings. Children and their mothers stared at her as if she was trouble. She stepped into the door and closed it, little did she know her life was about to change.

After getting all her belongings in the house and unpacking, she picked up some boxes and headed for the basement door.   Opening the door and looking down into the darkness, she flicked the light switch but nothing happened.   Turning to a little table by the door she picked up a torch and started to ascend down the stairs. Following each step with the torch light she put the boxes down on the ground and watched the torch go around the floor, ceiling and walls. She got to a corner and something caught her eye.   It was a small black shadow.   She walked closer with the torch, shaking slightly.   She didn’t know what it was or even who it was. The closer she got the more faded the figure became.   She bent down and saw a golden locket with E.S engraved on the front.   She tried to open the locket but it just wouldn’t budge. She put the locket in her pocket...