Biomas Energy

Biomass energy
The environment is worse and worse nowadays, the main reason is the increase of fossil fuel consumption; for examples, generating energy, combustible materials. Fossil fuel (the oil, coal and natural gas) also supplies chemicals which are ingredients of almost all products of the modern life. In addition, the reservoir of fossil fuel is limited and predicted to run out within 70 years based on current consumption rate (according; therefore, people will have to live without most of modern devices such as TVs, computers and transport if no one find out alternative energy sources to fossil fuel.
Because of these reasons, the scientists nowadays are looking for other ways to generate energy. These kinds of energy were called renewable energy. For examples, solar energy, wind power, wave power, geothermal energy, ocean energy and biomass.
Obviously, all of them require some distinct conditions; for instant, weather, geography, topography and level of development. An example, to illustrate, is solar energy which has to be used wherever the climate is dry and sunny. However, biomass is independent on weather, geography and topography so biomass is really suitable for countries which produce a lot of agricultural products. Most important thing is that biomass is possible to be applied for developing countries such as Vietnam, India and Thailand.
Now we should look into some general information of biomass. Firstly, an explanation and some details of biomass will give you the simple definition of biomass. Then, we illustrate the its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, some future images of biomass were predicted by scientists and experts and suitability for widespread use.
What is biomass?
According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, biomass means “natural materials from living or recently dead plants, trees, animals, used as fuel and in industrial production, especially in the...