Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Energy, which in physics terms is defined as the capacity to make things move, is widely used in residences, a variety of industries and technology fields and it plays a pivotal role in people’s daily lives. Most of the energy we use now comes from coal, oil and natural gas, which are being consumed more rapidly than they are being replaced. That means one day we could use up these fuels. Thus, to discover and develop new resources is extremely important.

There is a kind of energy that can be replenished in a short period of time called renewable energy, which comes from sources that frequently being recycled and usually less polluting than energy from fossil fuels. There are five main kinds of renewable energy: biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind and solar, among which the solar energy,or energy that is provide by sunlight and heat, has been utilized least yet. However, solar energy holds a number of benefits for societies and it has already proven to have positive effects on residential homes and industrial applications.
For many years, solar energy has been the economic choice for use in many industries where power is required at remote locations without government subsidy, as the vast majority of systems used require few kilowatts of power. Also, solar energy is frequently used on transportation signaling. For example, offshore navigation buoys, lighthouses, and increasingly, road traffic warning signals are using solar power due to its power saving efficiency. Solar power’s great benefit here is that it is highly reliable and requires little maintenance so it is ideal to use in places that are hard to access. Following are some details of the major advantages of solar energy.

Primarily, as we mentioned above, solar power is particularly useful in remote areas where it is lack of regular electricity supply. For instance, at Singleton, New South Wales, Australia, there are 2.75 hectare solar farm whose size is approximately as large as 5...