
Group Treasury Sales Meeting Minutes

Agenda: Treasury Sales-FI Weekly Meeting
Date: 4th January 2011
Time: 5.30-6.30 pm

No | Issues/Matters | Action |
1 | EON Bank Sub-Debt IssuanceEK congratulated the FI Sales Team and MM for their good jobs done in the recent sub debt issuance.   In order to understand the processes flow better, QT & ML are required to prepare a Flow Chart to highlight the key events including who & when should   take charge of certain area.   SY to follow up with Chee Kiet from MIMB on the profit sharing of the bond. | QT & MLSY |
2 | Shared CalendarsEK highlighted the importance of the Shared Calendar as a tool to update each other status such as attending appointment or on-leave basis. By doing so,   everyone in the team will be well informed and hence they could work out for back-up plan to relief whoever in absence. | All |
3 | List Of ClientsEK briefed that each FI Sales personnel will be allocated 10-15 clients in the near future. Monthly review will be conducted to monitor business inflow from each portfolio.   And, portfolio might be switched among themselves as to meet different clients requirement. | For information |
4 | Change in L&D’s organization chartEK informed that there would be a change in L&D’s organization chart effective Feb’2011, whereby SR will be appointed as the next person in-charge for the team. EK further reminded   L&D team members   to maintain good relationship with specific clients, if possible to organise   meet up with these clients, so as to retain business as usual.   | For information onlySR & ML |
5 | Name CardsEK emphasized on the importance of title used in name cards to help in business dealing purposes.   EK to discuss with HR to change the title used in name cards of respective sales team members. | EK |
6 | MiscellaneousTPG suggested someone from FI team to take charge of NID valuation and redemption. QT & SR agreed to take turn to take charge.HK asked SR on the status from...