Authority in the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Grow Your Own

1. The power or right to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.
2. Power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience.
3. Power or right delegated or given.

Authority exists in many different aspects of life and takes many different forms. It is essential to the structure and function of any community and authority figures exist everywhere, grounded in knowledge, wisdom and power.
An individual’s perspective on authority varies greatly to that of a collective, as not everyone shares the same ideas or values the same concepts on what authority is, or what governs it. Perspectives can vary again within the individuals.
Communities can be governed by people with authority, in a majority such as a country, or in a minority such as a household, but individuals may still choose to assert their own personal authority, as a non-conformist. Refusing to conform to authority can be something as simple as refusing to wipe the dishes at your parent’s request, or something more major such as ignoring rules on welfare for a purpose such as animal or human rights, which may result in consequences enforced by authority figures with greater power.
Authority is beneficial and essential to a community as it contributes to attributes possessed by civilised communities, in the way of order, safety, justice and equality. In some countries, all these attributes may not be covered as authority may be corrupt.
Corrupt authorities generally exist in third world nations today, or countries involved in civil wars. Corrupt authority has existed in the past, with such influential figures as Adolf Hitler, and more recently with such dictators as Idi Amin and Hassam Hussein.
Authority is demonstrated through the four aspects of knowledge, collective authority, wisdom and the individual. In order for authority to be sustained, all four aspects but be accounted for.
Individual authority illustrates our inner voice and our moral...