An Essay on Liberalism and Conservatism

The key differences between classical liberalism and contemporary liberalism are its views on the role of the government. As already stated, classical liberals have a negative view of the government. Classical liberals believe government must be limited or else it might become too powerful and oppressive against the members of society. Contemporary liberals, however, believe that government can protect financially disadvantaged individuals from powerful members of society. Contemporary liberals believe that powerful members of society use their property against the financially disadvantaged so they believe property, or material wealth should shared. Consequentially, contemporary liberals believe that the government is a friend, not an enemy of the individual and can be used to maximize freedom rather than oppress it (Baradat, 2009).
Numerous thinkers have impacted Liberal thought. Amongst them was Immanuel Kant, who was known for his moral and ethical values. In his essay, What Is Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant suggests that freedom is more than an absence of physical constraints, but rather a capacity to make rational choices in an ethical manner. Kant’s ethical views have inspired an “idealistic tradition” in liberal thought with aims of a better future for all of mankind (Curtis, 2008). Another prominent thinker whose work was fundamental to the development of liberalism was John Stuart Mill. His essay On Liberty provided a defense for individual freedom. J.S. Mill suggested that individual freedom may only be restricted if that freedom was used to harm other individuals. Moreover, his collaborative effort with his wife on The Subjection of Women, proved to be a subtle contribution to liberal thought as well in which he and his wife assert that women should share the same rights and liberties men do (Curtis, 2008). Other prominent thinkers who are considered to be influential to liberal thought are John Locke who was mentionedpreviously, and Thomas Hobbes....