A Machiavellian Terminator

Though the views in Machiavelli’s The Prince may seem extreme, even for the time period in which they were written, they can be relatable to the political leaders of the past, present, and possibility even the future. The presumptions expressed in The Prince describe methods that an aspiring prince can use to obtain the throne, or an existing prince can use to maintain his position on the throne. Machiavelli states that the greatest moral good is an honorable and established state, and actions to protect the country are therefore justified even if they are cruel. This piece of literature served and will serve as a guide to many leaders on how to become involved or stay in politics.
With the news of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s announcement of his candidacy to run for governor of California on The Tonight show with Jay Leno on August 6th 2003, the news traveled fast and was easily one of the most talked about topics of the month. Within the crowded field of candidates, Arnold’s name was the most recognized and his reputation was one of the most well-known.   With his notable careers consisting of the winning of Mr. Universe and his repetitive lead roles in action movies, such as the Terminator and The Rundown, Arnold Schwarzenegger looked like he had beat the competition since he announced his candidacy. As an actor, his political views as a Republican were very well known since they contrasted with many other Hollywood stars, who were generally liberal or democrat leaning.
Machiavelli set up a list of qualities and strategies within his principalities that make up a good leader. Some such principalities dealt with hereditary, honesty, popularity, and flattery and generosity. He states that the greatest princes in history tended to be the ones who rose to power through their own effort and shrewdness rather than depending on luck. The only thing they owe to luck is that initial opportunity that allowed them to begin their rise to politics. Throughout Arnold’s career...