4.3 Develop a Programme of Change to the Environment to Enhance Creativity and Creative Learning Giving Justification and Expected Outcomes for Each Area of Change.

4.3 Develop a programme of change to the environment to enhance creativity and creative learning giving justification and expected outcomes for each area of change.

I would like to compare two different planned activities which promote creativity and creative learning.
In the first activity children were making Christmas chains. It was a good problem solving activity, where children were trying to work out how to stick two ends of one piece of paper together with the glue to make a connection and produce a chain. Children were developing their fine motor skills. It all depended on children’s creativity what colours they chose for their chain and how long their chain would be.  
Outcome for this activity was to find out if children are able to exercise some control in mark- and pattern-making with fingers and tools.
Children were able to make one ring from the paper but they had difficulty to keep adding to their existing chain. Adult help was needed to hold the chain for them so they could concentrate on threading paper piece through the ring and stick two ends together.
I suggest that use of different glue such as selotape could help as children had a problem to glue rings together and carry on with the next one as the rings weren’t sticking very well which made it difficult to move on to the next. If children use selotape they might find it easier to stick the rings together and move onto the next one and the longer the chain gets.
In the second activity children were creating a bonfire affect picture, using glitter, hand prints, straws for blowing out paint colours. This activity was very open to imagination and creativity, children had the freedom of creating their own picture depending on how they think firework looks like.
But some of the children had no idea what fireworks were, so I would suggest for future development to provide children with pictures or introduce a story and tradition of bonfire first. Children could be imitating sounds of...