1. Define the Key Concepts and Principles of Assessment

Key concepts are when you relate to ideas. However come concepts could also be classed as principles depending upon your interpretation.

Accountability: You need to be accountable to your learner, your learner should know why their being assessed, you should not be assessing your learner unless their ready to be assessed.

Achievement: It is good to keep record of how many learners you start with, how many successfully achieve and the time they achieved it in. You may be required to analyse achievement data and compare this to national or organisational targets.

Assessment strategies: You will carry your role out correctly if you follow the assessment strategies.

Evaluation: All aspects of the assessing cycle should be evaluated on an ongoing basis and feedback obtained from all involved. The evaluation of the assessment process should always take place to see the current and future practice.

Progression: Progression should always be taken into account when assessing learners and should always be discussed with your learner to ensure they are on the right track to getting their assessments completed.

Benchmarking: Using benchmarking data can help inform target settings for individuals or in groups. If the learner doesn’t achieve the benchmark an evaluation needs to take place and improvements will need to be implemented.

Transparency: You need to make sure that everyone in the assessment process understands what is expected. You should be honest with your learners and not let them think they have achieved more than they have.   Transparency is also about having nothing to hide and being open to scrutiny.