1.4 Explain Why It Is Important to Identify and Meet Individual Learner Needs.

1.4 Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs.
It is important to identify and meet each individual learners needs by finding out much as you can about each student in a pre course diversity assessment. As each class brings new students that I will not have met before a pre course diversity assessment is the ideal way to assess each students needs before they attend the class. As a teacher it is important that I have a realistic overview of the dynamics each student brings to the class. A pre-course assessment will provide an insight of each student’s abilities regarding existing subject knowledge and experience, literacy skills, IT skills and creative aptitude. With this prior knowledge I will be better equipped to accommodate each individuals learning needs, or any additional learning requirements and any underlying issues I may have to address. With this insight I can prepare an effective lesson plan that will ensure an inclusive, safe, secure class environment by which a students achieve their full potential free from discrimination.
Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning, appropriate to their needs and circumstances in a safe and healthy environment – As quoted. (Success for All, DES 2002)   http://www.globalgateway.org.uk/pdf/PZ-Success-2002.pdf

In my role of teacher it is important to keep up to-date with the government guidelines and relevant acts of legislation to protect individuals at home, in college and in the work place as well as the guidelines set by the professional governing boards within the beauty and makeup industry and would collectively include the following:

The Race Relations Act (1976)
Sex Discrimination Regulations (1999)
Human Rights Act (1998)
Disability Discrimination Act (2005)
The Equality Act (2006)
Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations Act (1999)
Copyright Guidelines. Data Protection
Equality and...