0-19 Development Chart

Sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth-19 years.
  physical development.
  Communication, cognitive,
  Social skills, moral skills.
In each of the age groups.
  Birth-3 years.
  3-7 years.
  7-12 years.
  12-19 years.
A basic outline of the expected pattern of children's development, the sequences in which they take place and the rate of development for physical, communication, intellectual, social, emotional and behavioral development are:
physical development and skills, this area is described in two areas: gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are the ability for humans to use two legs and walk involves the whole body. Crawling, sitting from lying down, walking with two hands held, walking with one hand held and walking alone are all called gross motor skills.   Fine motor skills are the use of hand s in co-ordination with the eyes that allows human beings to perform very delicate procedures with there fingers. Holding and exploring things, palmar grasp using the whole hand, exploring with the index finger and delicate/mature pincer grasp, these are examples of fine motor skills. From the age birth to 3 years a child's development is: 1 month- prone (lying face down) the baby lies with its head to one side but can now lift its head to change position. The legs are bent, no longer tucked under the   body. The baby grasps a finger or other objects placed in the hand. 3 months- the baby can now lift up the head and chest supported on the elbows, forearms and hands. The baby holds a rattle or similar object for a short time if placed in the hand, frequently hits itself in the face before dropping it. 6 months- if pulled to sit, the baby can now grab the adults hands and pull itself into sitting position: the head is now fully controlled with strong neck muscles. The baby can sit for long periods with support. The back is straight. Bright and alert, looking around constantly to absorb all the visual...