What Is to Be Done with Texas Projection Measure?



What is to be done with Texas Projection Measure? Polly D. Finnessey Texas A&M University-Kingsville

WHAT IS TO BE DONE WITH TEXAS PROJECTION MEASURE? What is to be done with Texas Projection Measure? Texas Education Agency (TEA) described the Texas Projection Measure (TPM) as, “a growth measure that will be used by Texas to determine whether students are meeting annual performance goals” (TEA, 2009.) This announcement defined, “Growth measures track individual student achievement on state tests from one year to the next, giving schools credit for student improvement over time.” Texas Commissioner of Education, Robert Scott stated, “Our ability to use a growth measure for accountability purposes will help recognize the hard work


being done in schools where students are making significant educational progress,” (TEA, 2009.) Growth models like TPM were developed by the states to answer the charge for “measuring the academic growth students achieve from year to year in NCLB,” placed by vocal segments of the education policy and advocacy communities (Commission On No Child Left Behind: The Aspen Institute, 2006.) Some advantages to utilizing growth models for accountability were set forth: “…educators feel that the achievement status of a school is not a sufficient indicator of success. …public input…has favored measuring growth either as an element in an accountability system or as the sole factor. This was often cited as more fair than current systems….local staff would be more willing to be held accountable for the growth a student makes as a result of instruction provided…rather than…rated on the prior instruction the student received. Growth models also…may compel states to provide greater and better technical assistance and support…These models also enable educators to better…ensure that low-performing students receive the programmatic help necessary to improve… (Commission On No...