War on Iraq

June 18, 2009

Iraq War and American foreign policy

On September 11, 2001 the United States of America was a victim of the worst terrorist attacks in its history. This attack was caused by a group of terrorist who flew planes and caused them to crash into the World Trade Center in New York City, another plane was crashed in Pennsylvania and a third attack was made at the Pentagon in Washington DC. No one really imagined the magnitude that these events would have on our lives today and the magnitude that they have had since this incident occurred. The attacks affected our economy, considering the almost $3 trillion dollars or more that will be spend on the war when all is said and done, as reported by the Washington Post in an article published March 2008. They also affected our international relations, domestic policies and the large scale of the already existing Anti-American sentiment and what would come from this. What at first seemed to be an overwhelming support to Americans from the rest of the world, because of the compassion due to all the lives that where lost in these incidents of September 11, even maybe the possibility that America the great country as seen to the rest of the world, was not as indestructible as it was seemed before these attacks. All these conceptions faded and it turned against us really fast as did many of our allies. A decision that the Bush administration made to go to war with Iraq was the main reason for all this change. The Bush administration attempted to link Saddam

Hussein with Al-Qaeda’s leader Osama Bin-Laden, and the accusations that there were possible weapons of mass destruction in Iraq turned all the support from the rest of the world into the largest disapproval of the American policies that we hadn’t seen since the Vietnam and Korean War. Not to mention acting against the United Nations, who specifically had requested that an inspection be done in Iraq to search for said weapons of mass destruction...