Virtual Workplace

Communication is a crucial component of any successful enterprise, but in a virtual organization it is preeminent. This paper will delve into the subject of what is meant by communication, what telecommuting is, how the level of dispersion affects communication, and what types of tools are available to the manager.
Keywords:   virtual organization, communication.

Communication in a Virtual Workplace

` Communication is defined as a process by which information is exchanged and it is a basic an essential skill in life, (Speechmastery, n.d.).   Most people are familiar with the basic types of communication known as verbal (verbal, written or e-mail), and non-verbal (body language such as gestures, posture, facial expressions), but do not generally think about the sub-types of communications that fall under both the main types, such as whether the communication is formal (the type used in business), or informal (as when speaking to friends and family). A good communicator is someone who is well aware of the audience, the person or persons; they are communicating with and can get the intended message across successfully.
Effective communication in the workplace can mean the difference between a long and successful career, and a non-stellar one. How well a manager is able to communicate is often one of the primary skills on which his performance rating will be based. Managers who work hard at learning and developing their communication skills are generally viewed as better leaders than those managers who through lack of these skills cannot get their teams to work together to complete projects, or to understand and follow the company’s vision and mission.
There are managers who have exceptional writing skills yet have a hard time delivering their message orally such as is needed in a presentation in front of a group, while others can be engaging speakers, yet their message looses something when they put it on paper. A well rounded manager will be able...