Use of the British Spine Registry

British Spine Registry
There are a number of ways the Registry can be used and I suggest as you look around it, create patients and
pathways etc, you consider how it will work best for you. Think which patients, what data and try to work out a
pathway for data collection in your practice.
The principles are that patient demographics need to be entered at some stage. There are many different hospital
patient information systems and the Registry will not link with these so this is a manual process – who will do it and
A pathway needs to be selected based on broad diagnostic groups: cervical degenerative, lumbar degenerative,
deformity, infection, tumour, trauma and intradural. If you never see/operate on patients in one or more of the
pathways, these can be switched off in your user settings.
The pathway defines the questions asked in the ‘Initial assessment’ form, the ‘Procedure’ form and the ‘Outcome
score’ forms.
Having considered the options we are planning to use it in the following way:
1. The secretary (their login will be linked to the Consultant) will enter the patient demographics onto the
system and create a ‘clinic list’ so the Consultant just sees those patients on his ‘User Dashboard’.
2. When we review new letters we will nominate a ‘pathway’ which will also be created by the secretary.
3. When the patient arrives in clinic, they will be directed to a kiosk and identified (probably by surname and
date of birth) and after consenting will complete the questionnaires.
4. The Consultant will then have the Registry open in clinic and will complete the initial assessment or followup assessment as appropriate and be able to review the outcome scores.
5. The Consultant or Spinal Fellow will enter the operative data in the ‘Procedure’ form.
This is just one way of using the system and as you explore it we hope you think how it may work in your practice
and any additional features which may make this easier and may provide more...