Unit 3: Pwcs 23 Principles of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Question 1:
Explain what is meant by the following terms:

The word diverse means “varied and different” so diversity is something more than
just promoting the rights to be different. It is about valuing variety of individual
differences to create a culture, environment and practices which respect and value
differences for the benefit of society, organisations and individuals.
Diversity brings many benefits to organization like improved retention and
progression for employees, improves employee morale and so raises motivation or
improves standards of company services delivery.

Equality in the UK is about fostering and promoting the right to be different, to be
free from discrimination, and to have choice and dignity and to be valued as an
individual, with a right to their own beliefs and values. Equality means treating
people as individuals, with different skills and abilities, without making judgments
based on stereotypes. In workplace it also means to offer fair, equal and courteous
opportunities to all individuals creating a way of life where people of all
backgrounds and experience feel appreciated and valued.

The term inclusion is seen as a universal human right and aims at embracing all
people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need. It is about
giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and
intolerance. In effect it helps to create environment where everyone is treated with  
dignity and respect, where the talents and skills of different groups are valued, and
where productivity and customer service improves because the workforce is
happier, more motivated and more aware of the benefits that inclusion can bring.

Discrimination (including direct and indirect discrimination):
Direct discrimination is evident when a person is treated unfavourably because...