Unit Shc 23: Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’S and Young Peoples Work Force.

1. Understand the importance of equality and inclusion.

1.1 explain what is meant by diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination.

Diversity; diversity is accepting that all people are different and have different abilities. People are different in many ways such as different age groups, cultures, backgrounds, social groups, genders ETC. in the setting we support diversity in many different ways one of the ways we do this is by providing age appropriate activities that support children’s needs. E.g. when doing cutting and sticking activities we provide both left and right handed scissors.

Equality; equality is providing equal opportunities for all people. In the setting, we make sure that all staff members, parents and children have equal opportunities.

Inclusion; being inclusive is breaking down barriers so that all staff and children have the same opportunities. One of the many different ways we are inclusive in the setting is that we have dietry sheets and menus. This helps us to be inclusive because if a child is allergic to a food or drink substance e.g. oranges we would then change the menu the days that that child is in to something such as apple so that all the children have the same and it doesn’t make the child with the allergy feel left out.

Discrimination; discrimination is treating people differently because of their age, class, disability, race, culture, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
An example of discrimination could be that a child could say to another child you are not playing with me because your skin is different to mine.

1.2 Explain ways in which discrimination may occur deliberately or inadvertently in the work setting.

Staff, children or parents may say something within the setting to discriminate deliberately such as;
“This is a job that only women can do” (staff).
“My child can’t play with yours as they are a different race” (parent).
“Only boys can play with cars not girls” (child).