Unit 201

UNIT 201 –

Outcome 1
      1.1 Describe the expected pattern of the children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years to include:
  a) Physical development
  b) Communication and intellectual development
  c) Social, emotional and behavioural development

Whilst considering the expected development from birth to 19 years I have learnt that each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses and are unique in their development. All development will occur in the same order but can happen at different rates. It is worth noting that this is holistic and each area of development can affect another area as they are interlinked. Physical development provides children with the ability to explore their surroundings and interact. It improves their coordination skills and control and physical development should be encouraged through offering opportunities to be active and interactive to improve their skills and develop.

  a) Physical Development 0-3
When a baby is first born their movements are reflective in nature such as grasping, sucking, turning head to side when stroking their cheek. Babies learn how to control their muscles and movements and motor control development from had through arms, trunk and then their legs and feet. This period of development is fast and in the first year they will learn head control, how to kick their legs, roll, grasps and shake toys, pull on, push and pass objects and lifts blocks but can only release by dropping them. Also at this stage of physical development most babies are mobile through crawling, shuffling or cruising. They also enjoy self feeding by holding a cup and some foods and can pick up tiny items by using neat pincer grip.

In the second and third year physical development will continue to be fast and grow and develop quickly. Gross motor skills such Playing movements will be identified, walking, climbing up the stairs and jumping from low steps to waving, pointing, kneeling and...