Unit 1

Unit 5 m2- Probable homeostatic responses to change in the internal environment during exercise.

In this assignment I will discuss the probable homeostatic responses to changes in the internal environment during exercise. When you are exercising different changes occur in the body to try and deal with the change in the environment and the reaction that occurs in the body. Homeostasis is the process of the body that maintains a relatively consistent internal state. The nervous system sends and receives signals about temperature, hydration and blood pressure. The endocrine system carries chemical messengers to adjust bodily functions. During exercise, the body’s internal environment is altered and placed under stress. Through homeostatic feedback mechanisms, the body is able to maintain a healthy internal environment and quickly return to normal after exercise ends. These homeostatic mechanisms respond to exercise with changes in the heart rate, respiration, oxygen consumption, pulse rate, blood pressure and body temperature.
Exercise and breathing rate
During exercise, your body needs to maintain a constant supply of oxygen in your cells to support your working muscles, which might need 15 to 25 times more oxygen than when they are resting, according to Williams Sport Training. Consequently, you breathe faster during exercise. The harder you exercise, the more rapid your breathing rate becomes. This also helps release carbon dioxide, a by-product of energy metabolism. Excess carbon dioxide can lead to a build-up of lactic acid, which may impair your performance. For every extra breath of oxygen in, you exhale out excess carbon dioxide. There are two things that will identify the change in breathing rate these are peripheral receptors and stretch receptors. Peripheral receptors monitor changes in O2 levels and increase ventilation when O2 levels decrease. They are found in muscles and tissues and relay nervous impulses to the brain about the status of...