The Outbreak of World War 1

It was November 11, 1918 when the cease-fire took place between the fighting groups. This Cease-fire was the ending of the world war one, and the beginning of a new era, that changed the map of the world since.   In the aftermath of the war the political, culture, and social order changed in the world. Many treaties were taken place after the war to determine a valuable peace agreement between all struggling nations. The most important of those treaties were the treaty of Versailles where the “big three” countries, England, America, and France met to negotiate the consequence the defeated Germans should pay for this war. Other treaties were held after for other countries.   The defeated countries considered these treaties unfair, hence the defeated countries were not allowed to appeal any decision. But time showed that the victorious countries were not happy with the treaties earlier for many reasons that will be discussed.
The Treaty of Versailles was among the first treaties that were held after World War One. This treaty is the most popular one, since it was to determine the price Germany should pay for losing the war. The big three met and negotiation started by considering a document the president of the united state Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) brought to the table. This document consisted of 14 points that was guaranteed to end war, and prevent war from happening ever again. The points didn’t gain much support from the members of the Versailles, which prevented this document from becoming a reality. The document stated that War should be ended, some land that was being occupied by Germany prior to world war one should be returned to its owners, trading should be an option and within a free market without any taxes, and navigation through seas should be no problem.

The treaty of Versailles was considered unethical, harsh to the Germans, since they were not able to object. Sooner after the big three were also unsatisfied with the treaties or peace after the...