
The following are just some of the language features that you could consider when you are analysing a text:
Form – purpose, and features of a text influence the construction of a text and will suggest its structure
Level of Usage of Language – slang, colloquial, informal or formal
Person: 1st (I or we), 2nd (you) or 3rd (he, she or they)
Word Choice or Diction – emotive, forceful, factual, descriptive, blunt, graphic, disturbing, informative, etc. e.g. The writer’s use of forceful verbs such as ‘insist’ and ‘demand’ can be very persuasive
Syntax - Sentence structure - short, simple sentences or truncated (fractured) sentences create tension, haste or urgency; compound or complex sentences are slower and often feature in a formal text
Figurative Language and Sound Devices – metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, simile, personification, assonance, alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia, etc. These devices have a powerful impact as they work on our senses to strengthen the subject matter of the text.  
Icons- a single person, object or image that represents complex ideas and feelings
Repetition- of words or syntax (order of words) for emphasis and persuasion
Contrast – paradox, antithesis, oxymoron, juxtaposition, etc
Humour – incongruity, parody, satire, exaggeration, irony, puns, etc.
Visuals – composition, angle, framing, positioning, orientation, body language (facial expressions, gestures, etc), lighting, contrast, point of view, symbolism, omissions, colour, gaze, vectors and rule of thirds, etc.
Gaps and Silences – what is not said; whose voice is not heard and whose voice dominates?
Alliteration: repetition of the consonants at the start of words in a sentence or phrase
Consonance: repetition of the consonants throughout a sentence of phrase
Disjunction: A conjunction such as ‘but’ or ‘yet’ that dramatically interrupts the rhythm of a sentence  
Ellipsis: a dramatic pause (…).   It can create tension or even suggest...