Tda 2.9: Support Children and Young People's Positive Behaviour.

TDA 2.9: Support children and young people's positive behaviour.

1.1 -Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people's positive behaviour.

Behaviour Policy - Every setting should have a behaviour policy. It's a guideline for all staff member on how to manage a child's behaviour. All staff members should be familiar with this policy because, it ensures the safety and well-being of all children in the setting.

Code of conduct for staff members - The code of conduct for staff members is a guide that teaches staff members on how to deal with and manage inappropriate from a child in the setting.

Code of conduct for children and young people - The code of conduct for children and young people teaches them how to behave appropriately at all times by taking turns, playing safely etc, and this policy is important as it prevents bullying.

Rewards and sanctions - In a setting, positive behaviour should be encouraged by giving out rewards to children and young people. Also, in a setting as well as rewarding children for positive behaviour, it's important to give sanctions out as well, as it discourages inappropriate behaviour.

1.2 - Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people's behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of in the setting.

In a nursery setting its important that all adults working with children and young people are fair and consistent when they apply rules and boundaries for children's behaviour. When practitioner's are fair and consistent in responding to children and young people's behaviour it gives children a sense of safety and security. It also gives children an idea of how to behave appropriately in class and what is unacceptable behaviour. For example, if children are doing an activity such as playing with sand and water, they must clear up the sand off the floor, they...