Tda 2.2

Unit 2.1: Child and Young Person Development

1.2: Communication and intellectual development, for example, can be affected both positively and negatively by social, emotional and behavioural development. An example of this relates to a young pre-school boy that I know who does not seem to be given the opportunity to socialise with other children. This boy spends much of his time strapped in a pushchair when he could be running around with his older sister and her friends and their siblings after school during the period when children are allowed a bit of time to play on the school ‘trim trail’.

This young boy is well able to walk, run etc. yet seems to have been conditioned to just sit, in a very passive manner, in his pushchair because that is what he always does when out with his mum, as this makes things easier for the mum.   I have noticed that this boy is unresponsive when spoken to and that his speech is very late to develop. He does not have any known learning difficulties, but in my view has not been given ample chances to develop his communication and social skills and enjoyment because he does not spend time playing with other children / is not given ample chance to develop his communication skills through quality interaction with his mum. The boy also has a ‘dummy’ most of the time which I believe affects his ability to develop his speech at his age.

A child who does not get enough opportunity to socialise and play with other children would have their communication development affected, and this for example, would in turn affect their social, emotional and behavioural development. A child who does not begin to practise interacting with others at the age before they get to a school setting would in my view very likely have their self esteem affected as they would find it hard to navigate the social ‘codes’ and norms for their peer group, and I think would become aware that they lack the skills to make friends, ‘read’ others etc. Also, in relation...