Structural Differences of Law Enforcement

There are many structural differences between the three places that I researched the state DOC that I picked was the South Carolina Department of Corrections, the jail that I picked was the Boulder County Jail in Boulder, CO.   And finally the Probation Department that I chose was the one for Sacramento County in Sacramento, CA.

The South Carolina Department of Corrections has a very intricate organizational structure set in place starting with an Agency Director in charge of the entire organization who has an Assistant which the Boulder County Jail does not have that as to me it seems as the DOC is more of a corporate structure, as the Jail is a smaller unit with the Division Chief heading the jail and it has many fewer departments than the DOC which has an inmate education department, a transportation department as well as a very extensive health services department with things like mental health, a pharmacy, and dental services.

The Sacramento County Probation department has one similarity to the DOC that its Department head the Chief Probation Officer has an Assistant the Assistant Chief Probation Officer that only answers to the Chief.   There are quite a few differences between the Probation department and the DOC and County Jail, with things like Court Services, with both Juvenile and Adult court.   Also there is a Placement department as well as a Field Services Division who has a Division Chief as well as two Assistant Division Chiefs.   The Probation Department also has a YDF Operations which has a Division Chief and also two Assistant Division Chiefs. The Probation Department also has an Internal Affairs department.