Shoe-Horn Sonata

English Assessment 2: Distinctively Visual. The Shoe-Horn Sonata and Paradise Road
Distinctively visual can be defined as an image which portrays meaning by emphasising the use of visual imagery. It is used by composers through what can actually been seen, for example, props and costumes. It can also be shown through what the responder uses to visualise things which cannot be visually seen, for example, symbolism and descriptions.
John Misto, composer of The Shoe-Horn Sonata and Bruce Breseford, composer of Paradise Road use different forms and language to create images that affect the interpretation and shape meaning for the particular purpose and audience. Both composers use the techniques to create visual imagery in the texts.   John Misto was inspired by the most famous recounts of the experiences of the women in World War 2, titled White Coolies written by Betty Jeffery.   This same book formed the basis for the movie Paradise road.
There are four main themes illustrated through the play The Shoe-Horn Sonata. These themes are evident throughout the play. These themes include; the healing power of truth, Mateship and Resourcefulness, The power of art and revealing injustice. The play was written to remember the harrowing ordeals the women went through and an attempt to gain recognition for the women caught in these situations.  
In the first scene of the play, Misto uses stage design, lighting and music to explore the theme of revealing injustice. The play beings in darkness, ‘Out of silence comes the voice of Bridie.’ Misto uses this beginning to allow the audience to imagine Bridie before the audience actually visually see her. This gives the audience a chance to visualise what they think Bridie might look like.   Bridie then caps her hands twice to grab the audience attention.
“Bridie stands in a spotlight. She bows stiffly from the waist, and remains in this position.’ This gesture and use of lighting sets the scene. It also shows the audience the...