Shoe-Horn Sonata and Memorial

Good afternoon, you are listening to HSC mini- lecture online and my name is Miss Ball but you can just call me Sarah. I have been teaching at St Peters Catholic Collage for 7 years now and have taught the HSC course for 4 years. Today I will be going through the distinctively visual aspects of the texts in module A in the HSC. I understand that you have knowledge of both texts The Shoe-Horn Sonata by John Misto and the picture book Memorial by Gary Crew. I am here to show you techniques that will aid your understanding that will help you to do well in the HSC.

One of the strong distinctive visual elements in The Shoe-Horn Sonata is the use of photographs. Though out the book we see images that bring these memories to life for the audience. It also reminds us that these were real woman who experienced very traumatic situations. In act one, page 51 we see on screen two photographs of Japanese women prisoners of war. They are in a shocking state and are just skin and bones and dressed in rags. They stare at the camera with despairing eyes. This is contrasted with images of healthy women at the end of the war. John Misto uses this image to make the audience feel like they are right there with Bridie and Sheila in that horrible death camp.

Another way you can see photographs used well in the book is when Bridie and Sheila are in the sea after their boats have been destroyed and are calling out for help. “Now on stage we see a large Japanese flag, the blood-red rising sun, which is gradually and brilliantly illuminated as the scene continues”. This dramatic photograph shows us that the women are scared and are vulnerable at this moment time. It also symbolizes the Japanese invasion of Singapore as the flag invades the screen behind the women. This is a haunting photograph because of the colour lighting and the size of the image. It gives us the feeling that something is going to go wrong and we can’t stop it.  

The dramatic effect is also included in the...