Russian Revolution Timelione

Chronology of events leading to the Revolution of 1917
Dates are correct for the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia until 1918. It was twelve days behind the Gregorian calendar during the 19th century and thirteen days behind it during the 20th century.
Date(s) Event(s)
1855 Start of reign of Tsar Alexander II.

1861 Emancipation of the serfs.

1874–81 Growing anti-government terrorist movement and government reaction.
1881 Alexander II assassinated by revolutionaries; succeeded by Alexander III.

1883 First Russian Marxist group formed.

1894 Start of reign of Nicholas II.

1898 First Congress of Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP).

1900 Foundation of Socialist Revolutionary Party (SR).

1903 Second Congress of Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Beginning of split between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

1904–5 Russo-Japanese War; Russia loses war.

1905 Russian Revolution of 1905.
• January: Bloody Sunday in Saint Petersburg.
• June: Battleship Potemkin uprising at Odessa on the Black Sea (see movie The Battleship Potemkin).
• October: general strike, Saint Petersburg Soviet formed; October Manifesto: Imperial agreement on elections to the State Duma.

1906 First State Duma. Prime Minister: Petr Stolypin. Agrarian reforms begin.

1907 Second State Duma, February–June.
1907 Third State Duma, until 1912.
1911 Stolypin assassinated.
1912 Fourth State Duma, until 1917. Bolshevik/Menshevik split final.

1914 Germany declares war on Russia.
1915 Serious defeats, Nicholas II declares himself Commander in Chief.
1916 Food and fuel shortages and high prices. Progressive Bloc formed.

1917 Strikes, mutinies, street demonstrations lead to the fall of autocracy.
Timeline 1914–1916
• 30 July: The All Russian Zemstvo Union for the Relief of Sick and Wounded Soldiers is created with Lvov as president.
• August–November: Russia suffers heavy defeats and a large shortage of supplies, including food and munitions,...