Rise of Authoritarian Regimes

The rise of authoritarian regimes such as Russia and Germany was mainly because of the Great Depression in the 1929, which had worldwide causes and effects. Reactions to this economic earthquake were varied. The most startling change in western Europe was the rise of Nazism. Other factors include the failure of democratic regimes, failure of League Of Nation and weakness of Weimar Government.

The Great Depression caused many people to lose their jobs. The league and democratic countries failed to resolve this problem. Thus people turned to authoritarian governments who had solutions to the problems in the country. An example would be the fight between Weimar Government and the Nazi party. The Weimar government could not solve Germany’s problem, thus their people turn to the Nazi party who was strong discipline. This allowed Hitler to gain the support and gain power of Germany. Thus Hitler became much stronger and also increased his desire and achieve his aims which contributed to the rise of Authoritarian in Germany.

The Failure of League of Nations also contributed to the rise of authoritarian regimes. This was because the League failed to deal with aggressors such as Germany, Japan and Italy. The League did not take actions when Mussolini invaded Abyssinia. League did not use collective security to protect countries from attacks. The League had a lack of organization and discipline, meetings and decisions were taken slowly. Also the League had no military means, the League did not have an army or international force to enforce decisions . League of Nations also failed to stop the rise of authoritarian regimes and the Great Depression. The League lack control over rising authoritarian countries such as Germany, Russia and Italy who were not always active in the League.

The rise of authoritarian regimes was mainly due to the Great Depression and failure of democratic regimes. The Great Depression did a lot of damage to many countries especially to Germany,...