Reflective Essay Aa100

AA100 The Arts Past and Present
Assignment 07: Critical review
The Arts Past and Present module, although a mandatory course for humanities degrees, covered a wide range of topics and helped me to acquire a broader understanding of a wide variety of subjects, thus giving me the opportunity to learn about unfamiliar and sometimes unusual areas of the Arts and History.
With the requirement that assignments are to be completed every four weeks, in conjunction with engaging in independent study, I began to evolve as a learner and develop valuable skills. Due to the course consisting of distance learning, it was necessary that I self-motivated in order to complete the assignments on time. It was difficult for me to have the incentive to begin my first assignment, due to my anxiety of the unfamiliar and the fact that I had only ever completed learning in classrooms, with face to face interactions with both tutors and learners. I was unable to attend tutorials owing to episodes of disability due to my ill health and was apprehensive about completing the work with little contact with my tutor. However, after I started and finished my first assignment, I felt more confident in my ability to complete such work. I also advanced my organisational skills; managing my time effectively in order to allow myself enough to complete assignments before the deadline.
The structure of the course was easy to follow with a diverse and manageable workload; with one week learning philosophy and the next classical music for example. In addition, I found that the TMA questions and guidance notes were well structured and comprehensible. On occasion, I did have difficulty with some aspects of my assignments, but was able to easily find help through the AA100 online forums and knew that I could email my tutor with any issues.   However, I feel that my approach to study could be improved by visiting the online forums more.   I appreciate that other AA100 learners may be as apprehensive as I...